Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Mathematics as an abstraction. How does abstraction in the human brain turn into tangibles?
For instance, the earth as a pendulum in space.
The use of the compass to find one's direction but what if directionality does not exist or changes?
The poet is trying to find his or her place in the complexity of the universe.
Omphalos - Greek mythology - the centre of the earth. The navel.
The physical connection and the spiritual connection.
How does this resonate in our times - when we dont have the omphalos to refer to.
My center is somewhere between these centres - a varieties of omphaloses. This is also a self-portrait.
When yo ucannot refer to the outside world you can only refer to yourself.
Carried by earth we revolve at speed of 30 km/s around the sun. Double transport - to an external destination and into the inner self - the rhythm of the alpha rhythm - a state where the mind is open and we learn things - Poznan and Warsaw - collecting sounds and working with the scientists and doctors - they make ecgs of alpha brain waves - how to create a sphere in which all the jargon is embedded - the sound of the brain waves and those outside - the lines of cities, settlements - what are the limits of insight - can we measure it and can we see far off things?
Bringing together the stars and the eeg scan lines waves as one - my personal journey through galaxies.
Here we see the whole connection between micro and macro.
Scientists now say the only work we perceive is what is created by our brain on getting information created by our senses. Is reality outside us or something that we create within and that debate goes on.
Human cosmology in the eyes of quantum physics - conference. Discussions and lectures. Everybody agreed to one thing - that the universe is in our brain.
Johannes Kepler Harmonices Mundi - the harmony between the micro and macro level based on mathematics. Same proportion as out there is in our bodies. The music - the rotation of the planets is played by the human body and everything resonates. The logos, the truth, the order of the world was based on proportions. For him there was no difference between the stars in the heavens and that which we draw on paper. Music of the Spheres - planets are surrounded by crystal balls and the Music of the Human Body.
Scientists are now searching for that which will unify the macro and the micro - how to combine these two and to scales. One person in this history was Johannes Kepler. He was the first scientist, in modern terms, he was also engaged in ancient aristotelian hermeneutic philosophies and he wanted to merge ancient knowledge with the new. At that time astronomy was not a part of physics which was part of the natural sciences and he called it the heavenly science. He wrote the music of the spheres by Kepler, he wrote different scales for different planets according to the difference of distance from the sun. For the first time, the music became a polyphony.
I asked a theremin player to do my work - you play with air.
I visualised the theremin music into the crystal ball around the planets. Music written by Pythagoras and updated by Kepler played on the first electronic instrument the theremin. Pythagoras idea of a musical universe comes back to contemporary science. With this music I went to London and had my brain scanned whle listening to these sounds. The notion of sounds being radio waves which is contemporary because all information about space is received as radio waves.
Ephemerised scan of my brain with the planets rotating around my brain. The music of spheres was written with the centre of the universe as sun but that centre has been lost - now the only centre you can imagine is the brain.
Music from the spheres, data from radio telescopes, my brain waves, human voices etc etc. I was collaborating with a sonic artist. The Voyager with the golden plate - the record sent out by Nasa - a poetic undertaking. Music of spheres is mathematical music and in nature there is no perfect sinusoid - dolphins are performing perfect sinusoidal sounds which can also affect human tissues and this is being researched into - to heal those with ski wounds and such wounds.
How long should this piece should be? I deciced to use the light distance between earth and sun - 8 min 40 secs.
All life began in a single moment, the DNA is the real life all the rest of it is its habitat. Life matters are only the byproduct of life. Only genes replicate and there is no difference between us and the environment. An artist can travel through many space and so this time I went to the microlevel. What is life? What is our place or position in the universe? In previous centuries people believed that life was the feature of the universe - but now we know that life is of no consequence to the universe and somewhere on the periphery on this planet there is life and we have to concentrate on that which we have. Scientists working on malaria a disease which has been with mankind since beginning - which gene will survive ours or the virii? I dont believe in the bomb but if human life disappears it will be because of viruses - SARS, AIDS, swine-flu, etc. It is because our bodies are already genetically manipulated by environments, food habits etc. So we face these alien genes.
When you think of the idea of harmony - in Pythagoras, Kepler, even beginning of 20th century we believed in a static world and here harmony was regulated through points. But Einstein and Chaos Theory replaced the idea of harmony with states of synchronisation (two different states that suddenly come together) - a flickering moment of harmony is what we experience.
Coming from the macros space of the mandala, cupola to the micro level of cells. A very interesting place to explore. The microspace you dont need to travel far, you just use a microscope to get in there.
Icarus - two legs sticking out from the sea. And nobody pays attention. More about the troubles of going into space.
Prototype of Da Vinci - Venus, Labyrinth, the first man to fly and escape from Minos - symbol of the first scientist cum artist.
Icarus was more a first romantic artist.
The horizon as the slit of the sun.
Sounds are from underwater observatories and of whales and dolphins etc.
There is no narrative in science or if there are these are fictious narratives which change with time.
Work in progress - complex and dynamic. Is this the shape of the universe with coded dimensions within?

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